Saturday, August 1, 2015

Further musings on the ideal wargaming table.

The now defunct "Drunken Dwarves" website, hence no link, had the plans for a great gaming table. I unfortunately didn't save the plans, but I certainly remember the overall design.  I intend to recreate that table as well as I can, with a couple of added features I want.

The top is the main part of the design I want to replicate. It is basically a 4 sided box, the inner measurements matching the final desired play area.  An inner lip and bracing provides support for drop in terrain  boards. Those boards can range from fully detailed pieces to flat bases for additional pieces. I plan to use a number of different sized boards, painted several colors, green, brown, black, and blue as basic ground cover for more traditional wargame terrain. I'm toying with the idea of a couple of chalkboard tops, green and black, for variety.

The base of the "Drunken Dwarves" design is of no interest to me. I'll be building the top, with the intent of finding or building a storage system to act as the base.That project is for a later date, however.

The main add-on is to the outer frame. I plan to incorporate a French cleat. That will allow small add-on pieces to hook on. Dice towers or trays, cup holders, small clipboards, all off table yet still conveniently at hand. All of those and more can be designed and built later.

My intent is to build it as a 4x4 skirmish game table, mainly as a proof of concept. Then I'll follow it up with a 4x8 full gaming table.

Now it's time to do the design work for the tabletop. That and photos of the build as it progresses should clarify the design.

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