Saturday, August 15, 2015

Corline's Calamity (Part 1)

The System

This is the AAR for a test run of the lowest level game of my main campaign. It's a dungeon dive using Two Hour Wargames Two Hour Dungeon Crawl. I'll be using this to start the characters who
will eventually, it is hoped, be the commanders and officers of the armies in the later larger games.

So first, a few words on THW's system. The player has a character defined by a reputation, higher is better. That character, a star, leads a band of adventurers called grunts. The star has abilities specific to him. All characters have weapons, armor, a profession and may have several attributes. 

The system provides a way to generate random dungeon paths and rooms. The rooms may also be populated with minions of the Big Bad who will be the hardest things in the dungeon. It also allows for wandering monsters that close in on the character's band. Once those PEFs (possible enemy Force) come into contact with the band, they are resolves and maybe anything from the Big Bad to nothing but a case of nerves in the band, Searching the dungeon can be done on graph paper, or with tiles that are place on the table. Combat is done on separate arrays for rooms or corridors. 

The Set Up

The photo shows my gear to play THW's Two Hour Dungeon Crawl. It includes assorted pencils, graph paper, index cards, dice, home-made tokens, and a home-made battle board. The index cards are a place for me to record the basis of the dungeon and the makeup of any PEFs. After the game they will be saved and over time will build up a deck of possibilities. That will allow a faster arrangement for later games by using the decks rather than rolling up the needed information.

The Crew Gathers

As Randolph walked into the Meadow Rose, he spotted the rest of his crew waiting at a table. Bardley, the healer, and the three brothers Graybreath; Percy, Lucious, and Archibald were dependable soldiers. Reliable in a fight if not as random as Randolph himself.

After a few drinks, the talk got around to business. The daughter of a local merchant, Corline, had somehow gotten herself captured by a group of beastmen who live in some caves a valley away. She needed to be rescued and returned to daddy, All in one piece of course, or no payment. As he told his crew, easy peasy, what could go wrong?.

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