Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The next big project

That title is a small lie. There are actually several ongoing projects a couple of which are large. But none of those lend themselves to much of a blog post. Inventorying and organizing the rules, games, and figures I have are both really ongoing and enjoyable, but tend to be less exciting to read about.

This project is a gaming table. Having lost several of the children to their own apartments, I can finally build a table of my own. First up is the planning stage. I thought I would document my inspirations and ideas here so I can refer back to them as I continue on with the project. And yes, that means the project is in exactly this stage as I write. I'm going to take my time, and create the table I want, so I'll have plenty of time to document each stage ass it comes together.

Having a number of solid folding tables of my own, I'm in no rush to build the base.  So the first item to build will be the tabletop itself.

I came across the table designed at the website "Drunken Dwarves" some years ago. I was lacking the space to copy it, and simply used it to start my own thoughts. Please note, the lack of a link is intentional. That website is gone now, and I've been unable to relocate it. The table was sturdy, well made and had a very modular top. That was the part I wanted to emulate.

I want a 4X8 play surface, that will provide plenty of space to play on. I want a lip around the edge of the play surface to allow me to place modular terrain pieces on the table with no fear of knocking them off. That will require a frame that on it's lower end closely surrounds the table top of the table I'll be using and on the top will crate a frame a 4X8 piece of plywood can fit inside to form the bottom of the play surface section. I envision this ending up as an open top box with sides of an inch or two at most, .

Inside the box, I want to place modular pieces, certainly a few large ones to serve as the base for the terrain to go on top of it, with a solid 4X8 base, modules of 4x4, 4x2, 2x2, even 1x1 will be much easier to manufacture to fit into and fill the space. The base painted green or blue will allow it to be used as it's own base for games not needing extensive terrain. Notice the picture is lacking sizes and scale. That is the next step in the project.

Now, on to measuring, figuring out the geometry, and planning the materials purchasing. Once that is done, I'll write up what decisions are made and updates on the project.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Once more into the breach

Real life can certainly ruin the best laid plans. That said, I'll be trying again to make a go of this blog. I think the housekeeping has been covered already and we can move forward from here.

I spent last weekend at NJCon7 in Edison NJ. An enjoyable time where I played two games of Stargrunt. An excellent review of the convention, with a couple of photos I took has already been written By Keith F. and is readable at NJ Con - This IS Your Daddy's Miniature Convention. He also ran the two games I played in, and his and my comments on those are readable at StarGrunt II at NJ Con. Keith writes quite well and is a very enjoyable and gracious opponent.

The fun I had inspired me to return to this blog and to start making plans for my own gaming in the near future. I have amassed quite a collection of metal and plastic in need of paint and basing. First step is an inventory, complete with a culling out of possible "bring and buy" fodder for the next convention. Then I'll need to organize the basement to include a gaming work area and play area.

I expect to be posting photos and reports on progress as the work advances.

Falling back on an old standby, I'll be playing solo with paper miniatures as I work on the metal and plastic to help see what rules I am most in favor of playing.

Good tactics and good rolls till next time,